Sunday, May 22, 2011

"don't wear shoes that don't fit you or don't belong to you"

This post by my good friend Krishy is something I believe in for a long time. Unfortunately i do not have the ability (yet) to write as convincingly as he did this one. Even though we have worked together as scriptwriters previously I was very clear about my strengths as far as writing was concerned then. Sometimes i do envy the ability to write that some of my friends like Venky or Hash have. Writing is something that I always wanted to be good at but never worked hard for. Maybe i wasn`t passionate enough.
But I do have a problem, once a weakness is realized i get obsessive about it and have this incessant urge to overcome it. In this case the weakness being my writing.
Anyway not digressing and coming back to the main topic and that being the post by Krishi. -Do read it cause it will give you a great objective view of the process of empathy and the double edged sword that it is.
Having been there in the position where in an attempt to empathize with someone i screwed myself over, royally if i may add, i recommend this post to every one who has the incessant urge to get into the other person`s shoes.
I end my post with this quote

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