Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sad but true

Its strange how people`s attitude towards you can change by one wrong move you do. It might be a big mistake or a small one but its sad when your whole personality is decided based on that incident. People then start connecting lot of other unrelated things and believe me, if we put our minds to it we can connect anything to everything and the end result is not something either party may like. Its different when the wrong move by you gives people a new insight into your character. They now know better how to treat you. But unfortunately not everyone has that ability or works towards it. I know people who belong to the second category. But sadly a lot others belong to the first.
I used to belong to the first category. But now I am trying..... trying to change.
As I walked in that day I saw her there. Wasn`t really expecting to see her, at least not there,at least not after-- almost 2 years. I tried not to look at her cause i wasn`t prepared coz I hadn`t yet found a solution. And I knew i am going see her a lot more in the coming days. Time to find a solution I thought--- I did and I feel a lot better. I can handle it now. Its easier now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Below applies only if one party actually has been hurt.

Its not a very nice situation to be in when you know you are right and you know your friend is right and yet you have 2 different thoughts. Its crazy because as much hurt as you may feel you can`t do shit about it b coz no one is wrong. If a friend hurts you intentionally you have hope b coz either one of you is wrong and by realizing that you can work on rebuilding the friendship. But what happens when you are hurt un-intentionally, who is to blame? NO ONE. Can there be a solution. Possibly never.Except both of you forget what happened as an inconsequential peice of history and work at building a foundation for an exciting future.

--Post in memory of many incidents, one of which happened 8 years back.